Tuesday, December 07, 2004


nothing very interesting. One hand, i played some
guy who was looking to go all in, raised to $11,
and i put him all in for $90 with my aces. He
folded. In hindsight although he was prone to going
all in, i should have re-raised him and then seen
whether he would have gone over the top instead
of puttin him all in straight away. And leaving
him no room.

One hand I had K-Qs os, i called $2 then it got
raised to $4 i called, flop came Ks-10-7s. I checked
the raiser bet $9, loose guy called $9, then
back to me. I folded. They both checked the turn,
the river came another K, and the loose guy bet
$18 and the raiser folded. May be the raiser had A-Q
or A-J. I dunno should i have called the flop, sometimes i dont
know what to do with k-q?? I prolly had the best hand.
unless someone had a pocket pair or A-K.

Ended up about $55.


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